Jul 8Liked by Unyielding Bicyclist

Great summary, UB. How anyone takes these sex clowns seriously is baffling, until we remember that they’re just fetishistic male cross-dressers with anger management problems. Never get in the way of a hard-on, or suffer the consequences.

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Extraordinarily good article 👍 That took me over 2 hours to get through due to following not even all the links and googling people I hadn't heard of.

Plus I had to stop and go and bang my head against a wall a few times.

Off to start reading up on pheromones now.


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Jul 10Liked by Unyielding Bicyclist

We definitely need to talk about pheromones more

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Jul 8Liked by Unyielding Bicyclist

If I were omnipotent, I'd see to it that this piece were published in New York Magazine, Rolling Stone, Vanity Fair, The Atlantic and the New York Times Magazine simultaneously.

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And the new statesman

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At least The Skeptic or the Spectator, this woman needs a book deal. She's got the history perfect and the skill to tell the story. @AndrewDoyal @MichealShermer @NaturalSelections

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Indeed. Though, in passing, I don't think your links work -- something of limitation, of many, with Substack.

But I'm not sure about Doyle -- he's certainly been front and center in railing against the woke. But he has also banned and blocked me for calling him on his rather unscientific "ideas" as to what it takes to qualify as male and female. He seems still stuck with the Kindergarten Cop definitions: boys have penises and girls have vaginas.

Some reason to argue that he's part of the problem. Likewise with Shermer.

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She certainly covers a lot of ground. Kind of surprising for just being on a bicycle ... 😉🙂

Though not sure about her "subscribe if you hate your body" ... 🤔

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Jul 8Liked by Unyielding Bicyclist

I'll have to read it again when I'll be less tired, but my immediate take is that it was depressing and made me want go bang my head on walls (but maybe headbutting them would be more constructive). It clearly was a hard work to research and source all that, thank you for the ref. But damn it. How come lesbians haven't kicked these clowns out right when they came out of the bushes?

I can't believe I supported this movement in the past. Once you see them for what they are -straight, angry incels with insane lesbophobia and male entitlement, you can't unsee it. It pisses me off that these days, if I'm going to one of these dying lesbian bars and I'm getting harassed by these men, *I* will be the evil one for telling them off.

And I'm trying to be kinder towards other women but damn...Feinberg and co wtf? These lesbians have contributed to murder our community and I can't forgive that. How shitty has the world to be for us to be evil for saying lesbian don't like dicks and males, which are 100% mutually exclusive with our sexuality. What are we (thise of us who are 100% female attracted and 100% male revulsed) supposed to call ourselves if not lesbians? I hate this world. I need to smooch more fellow evil terves.

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Jul 8Liked by Unyielding Bicyclist

Brilliant, as always

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Jul 10Liked by Unyielding Bicyclist

Thank you so much for writing this, I can't wait to share it. To be clear, as a card carrying lesbian since the early 80's I tried being open-minded about this "recent" transgender movement, but deep down, I knew I could never accept, the major push back i kept seeing year after year. We now have to add "cis" or "biological" before saying "woman"?! Oo the hypocrisy of it all has. I am not a subset of anything, I don't need men telling me what/who I am. I am a woman, end of story.

The more I read and see what the transgender movement has done, I revert back to Maya's famous quote “When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.” I've stepped away from the LGBTQI community, I wont go to pride, or support any business with the alphabet soup for a flag.

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Our commitment to being open-minded, inclusive, welcoming, etc. is the door they got in through. It's depressing.

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I don't disagree with you, but I believe we should never close the door to those who are struggling or suffering. It's a thin line to walk, but progress requires listening. This doesn't mean we have to compromise on everything—some things I will never compromise on. However, when it comes to having a frank discussion on how we can move forward, I can't just shut the door. It's not in my nature or my humanity.

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Aug 7·edited Aug 7

Women, including lesbians, are struggling and suffering as the result of the trans ideological takeover of every institution, not just in the US but all over the world. The Olympics are a prime example of its international influence.

Who was surprised when last week we saw a female boxer suffer physically, emotionally and psychologically because she didn't believe she had the right to reject what was coming her way without being labeled a bigot? She had been indoctrinated to accept the presence of males in her sport, where losing wouldn't just mean she wouldn't win a medal, but where she would risk catastrophic physical injury. This poor, brow beaten woman apologized for her performance, but then also noted that she had never been hit that hard in her life, and commented that it wasn't fair. Well, she told the truth there, at least. Yet, she still referred to her male opponent as "she" because she had been brainwashed to accept him as such. She felt obligated to lie.

My opinion is that she won't be able to recover from this assault on her self-esteem and personhood until she becomes an activist, shouts the truth from the rooftops, and shuts this travesty down.

In fact, I do worry about the suffering and struggles of children, adolescents and adults who have been brainwashed to think they can change their sex. Most of them would grow up to be lesbian and gay if we left them alone. And many of them detransition, but now they're without genital sensation, if they even have genitals, are sterile, and live with the permanent toxic effects of cross-sex hormones.

A frank discussion on how we can move forward will be impossible as long as the trans cult is founded on lies and ideology, fueled by an intrinsic hatred of the existence of women. Until they acknowledge the truth, we will never be able to have a kind and gentle conversation.

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It’s infuriating, isn’t it? The constant barrage of misinformation, the relentless questioning of someone’s identity, especially when that identity is clearly defined and has been for centuries. As a woman and a feminist, it’s hard not to feel enraged when seeing a young woman like Angela Carini being forced to “play the game” to avoid making a scene, as we Italians might say, "non fare brutta figura."

This situation isn’t just about Angela though. It’s about the broader issue of how women are constantly told, scrutinized, doubted, and pressured to conform to societal expectations. Moreover, we’re bombarded with headlines about gender clinics and children being referred to them. It’s overwhelming. The constant politicization of gender identity, the fear-mongering, and the way these issues are used to fuel culture wars are exhausting. It takes a toll on the psyche, and I’m not even in the thick of it. I can’t imagine how much harder it is for those who are.

But there’s a silver lining here, and it’s the activists and keyboard warriors who continue to fight the good fight. Their work matters, and it’s a reminder that even in the face of such overwhelming negativity, there are still people who stand up for what’s right.

Without them, without the voices that rise in defense of truth, regardless of what they're labeled as. No one has called me a TERF (yet) but then again, we’re all lost in the sea of misinformation and prejudice.

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Jul 10·edited Jul 10Liked by Unyielding Bicyclist

I remain convinced that, back when I was a young, single, heterosexual feminist, I would have jumped at the chance to have a relationship with a 'woman' who happened to have a dick. I also remain convinced that it's highly likely I would have been severely disappointed with the 'woman' side of things, precisely because the object of my hypothetical affection would have been just as self-absorbed and emotionally stunted as all the other boys who were driving me crazy at the time. I've never seen anything to convince me otherwise.

PS Love your work as always, UB

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Jul 10Liked by Unyielding Bicyclist

I have started reading this, it will take me sometime due to feeling so angry. Ray Blanchard is absolutely right, I have unfortunately had experience (unknowingly at the time) of the whole transvestite fiasco. High incidence of NPD with them. Men , women, they don’t really mind. Lesbians are the real fetish . In my experience though they think they do look like women, when the only one I recognise is “Mrs Doubtfire or Mrs Brown. When you tell one of them they say that is cruel and nasty . The problem is they now have a flag to wave , and their partners can now be viewed as transphobic .

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Great article! I learned so much new info! This should really be in the NYT or the Atlantic. It’s so well researched and written.

When you strip away all the (purposely) confusing rhetoric from these manipulative men, you get the truth: narcissistic men with personality disorders abusing and sexually coercing women. A tale as old as time.

Speaking openly and truthfully about these guys in liberal social circles is the only way we will see change.

I had a teacher who was very kind but very troubled- he had a fragile sense of confidence and was super thin, with a family history of anorexia. Nothing about him was feminine, but he was…unmasculine. He is heterosexual and he used to wear a women’s shawl sometimes “when he was cold.” When the whole trans thing exploded, he “came out” ie started pretending to be a woman/crossdressing at school. I thought, maybe he’s an exception, as a heterosexual man identifying as a transwoman? Maybe it’s an anorexia thing and not a fetish. He was just so nice and clearly had major psych issues.

…then he got fired for repeatedly sexually harassing a female, minor pupil.

Once you destigmatize sexual abuse/disrespect of women and girls (ie hetero men crossdressing/pretending to be sexualized versions of us)…you destigmatize sexual abuse/disrespect of women and girls (other forms of sexual harassment). Who would have thought.

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It’s so easily explained. Abusive men cannot tolerate that there is a section of women who by nature are off-limits sexually, and will do anything to pressure, coerce and force these women into having sex with them.

Classic misogyny. Women should be there for the man to sexually use. A small minority of women are not, and that must be broken until they are sexually available.

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Yes to all that, but there's also more to it: their autogynephilia requires that everybody else *validate* them. It's not just about sex

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I think the validation is sexual. It’s pressuring, coercing and forcing women into saying, at least, if not thinking that they are the women - and to them, woman = sexual object - which is the root of their desire.

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Jul 9Liked by Unyielding Bicyclist

Great essay! Thank you!

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Jul 9Liked by Unyielding Bicyclist

Brilliant telling of this appalling tale, always with your eyes on the prize! Thank you.

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Aug 14Liked by Unyielding Bicyclist

Activists insist that "Trans People have always existed".

I guess that's why Aesop had a fable about the wolf in sheep's clothing.

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Jul 8Liked by Unyielding Bicyclist

Haven’t read yet but I am stoked to read! I bet this is going to be good!

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Aug 26Liked by Unyielding Bicyclist

What an excellent article. I'll be listening to this one again. 💛

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Jul 9Liked by Unyielding Bicyclist

Another excellent article. Thank you!

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