The latest Alabama docs show that SEGM really got under the skin of WPATH and for that I’m down w EBM …From James Cantor’s Alabama court report “The document’s introduction includes a list of adversaries and obstacles which “Eli”
felt were attacking trans health care, including “academics and scientists who are naturally
The latest Alabama docs show that SEGM really got under the skin of WPATH and for that I’m down w EBM …From James Cantor’s Alabama court report “The document’s introduction includes a list of adversaries and obstacles which “Eli”
felt were attacking trans health care, including “academics and scientists who are naturally
skeptical” and “continuing pressure in health care to provide evidence-based care.” It is
impossible to exaggerate the fatal importance of Eli’s categorization of scientific skepticism and
evidence-based medicine as a problem rather than the goal. An objective observer would
perceive SOC-8 to be under attack from evidence-based care exactly because SOC-8 does not
embody evidence-based care, although WPATH and other advocates of medicalized transition
assert that it does. As I have detailed in my initial report and in this supplemental report,
multiple, substantial portions of SOC-8 are constructed based on exactly the anecdotal,
ambiguous, subjective, and insufficient features that evidence-based medicine rejects as
The latest Alabama docs show that SEGM really got under the skin of WPATH and for that I’m down w EBM …From James Cantor’s Alabama court report “The document’s introduction includes a list of adversaries and obstacles which “Eli”
felt were attacking trans health care, including “academics and scientists who are naturally
skeptical” and “continuing pressure in health care to provide evidence-based care.” It is
impossible to exaggerate the fatal importance of Eli’s categorization of scientific skepticism and
evidence-based medicine as a problem rather than the goal. An objective observer would
perceive SOC-8 to be under attack from evidence-based care exactly because SOC-8 does not
embody evidence-based care, although WPATH and other advocates of medicalized transition
assert that it does. As I have detailed in my initial report and in this supplemental report,
multiple, substantial portions of SOC-8 are constructed based on exactly the anecdotal,
ambiguous, subjective, and insufficient features that evidence-based medicine rejects as
unreliable, and is designed to replace.